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The Internet Galleria

Guide to the Site

This page tells you about how to navigate through the Internet Galleria

Hypertext Links

Hypertext links are, in most browsers, underlined and in a different color from the standard text. Here's an example of a hypertext link:

A Guide to the Site
Clicking a hypertext link will take you to another location on the site or, in a few cases, to another location on the World Wide Web.

At the top of each page is a hypertext link labelled Home: which will take you directly to the home page of the Internet Galleria. Most pages have a link just below this labelled Up: which will take you up one level in the site hierarchy. For example, the Up: link at the top of this page takes you to the Where to Next? control panel.

Links that will take you off the Internet Galleria onto some other location on the World Wide Web are specially marked with this symbol:

[to WWW]
or with this text:
[to WWW]
We hope that you will remember to come back to us after you have explored these other sites!


In some cases, you will see buttons instead of hypertext links. Clicking them will also take you to other locations on the Internet Galleria. We don't have any buttons that take you off the RMSC site to other sites on the World Wide Web. Almost all the pages have at least a "Home Page" button and a "Where to Next" button at the bottom of the page (like this one). Some pages have numerous buttons, usually grouped at the bottom of the page.

Control Panels
There are two main control panels on the site: "Where to Next?" and "What, Where & When."

"Where to Next?" can be reached from the Home Page, from its button at the bottom of most pages, and from the Up: link at the top of many pages. It is a map of the entire site, from which you can get to every major section and nearly every individual page of the site. You can use it as an overview of what is available on the site, or as a quick way to get from one part of the site to another.

"What, Where & When," which can be reached by clicking its button at the bottom of the "Where to Next?" page, is the overview of scheduling, admissions, and event information for the RMSC. From it, you can choose one of several pages dealing with specific scheduling or events information. From that page, you can use the Up: link to get back to the "What, Where & When" page to easily check other scheduling information.

RMSC Homepage Where To Next

© 1997 Rochester Museum & Science Center
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Last Modified: April 9, 1997